Perhaps it is time to refocus – and bring back a renewed sense of why we work. One where, through the fact that we share life with all of humanity (which means every woman, man and child on earth) we ...
This section explores what hinders or blocks our natural enjoyment, purpose and will to work, offering tips and insights as to why we work and how we can truly love our jobs. A classic, simple and ...
But it's more than just a job – work defines their culture and traditions. On Beijing’s famed Ghost Street, some restaurant workers are required to dance twice a day. Max Duncan finds out why.
But in a new book, a neuroscientist argues that it’s one of the most vital functions of the human brain, and just about anyone can tap into dreams’ insights.
Sales of print books rose 9 percent in 2021, according to Publishers Weekly, and the market has remained strong since then. Why is this so? What is it about books, which have been around in some ...
author of The Googlization of Everything (And Why We Should Worry) "This book could not be more topical. It carefully unravels an assumption that is deeply embedded in our culture and psyches, namely, ...
In the late 1980s, still during the communist era, while visiting Prague, a friend gave me Franz Kafka's ‘The Castle’ in ...
Do you know why Jeff Bezos ... the covers of books facing outwards instead of spines. According to Amazon, the decision was made to showcase the authors and their work, rather than efficient ...
100 years after the writer’s death, what do his uncensored diaries, and a raft of new studies, reveal about what made him and ...
One of the most rewarding things about working at The Conversation is being part of a project that brings people together ...
This is a very practical book; 224 pages with lots of straightforward ideas and a few great templates I read it over and over again, reflecting on its importance and tying it to the opening comments: ...