Just how good was Microsoft during the Xbox 360 era? They managed to secure an exclusive RPG that many still say is superior ...
As spotted by the folks over at TrueAchievements, the Xbox store is currently having a rare 360 games sale for non-backward compatible games, which doesn’t happen often. The sale is likely one ...
61 of these Xbox 360 games are not backward compatible, which means when the Xbox 360 store shuts down in July, access to the games will be gone. You won't be able to buy them anymore, in ...
The best Xbox 360 games are a reflection of just how phenomenal the HD-era was for Microsoft. After hours of playtesting, we've compiled a ranking of what we believe to be the best 360 games ...
Tomb Raider and Far Cry 4 are among the 59 games that are on sale in the online Xbox 360 store, as it gets ready to ...
If you're deciding which Xbox Game Pass games to play ahead of the Xbox Games Showcase, try these 3 from id Software, The ...
Microsoft is shutting down the ability to buy games on the Xbox 360 store soon. As a final gesture of goodwill, over sixty games from the digital store have been heavily discounted. It’s time ...
The Xbox 360 Marketplace is closing on July 29. Xbox has started a big sale on 60 non-backward compatible 360 games, with prices as low as $2.24. More games will be added to the sale on ...
Xbox closed out its big Summer Game Fest Showcase with a teaser trailer for Gears of War: E-Day, a new entry in the ...
As a big Fable fan, I hope so. It’s been over a decade since Fable III landed on Xbox 360. In 2017 we got spin-offs like the Kinect-focused Fable: The Journey and 2017's free-to-play card game ...
Microsoft is allegedly considering bringing Starfield and Hellblade 2 to PS5 but Gears Of War 6 is apparently off the table ...