Evangelical organizations including Wycliffe, CT, and Lifeway are giving up their buildings and developing new models for ...
Kids need more from worship music than dance motions, silly lyrics, and singsong melodies. Musicians like Keith and Kristyn Getty and Shane & Shane are building a body of songs with theological depth ...
Francis Collins, the former longtime head of the National Institutes of Health and founder of BioLogos, has seen deaths in his work as a physician and researcher. But some of those have been personal: ...
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists ...
The entrepreneur and social services leader had a unique vision for sharing the gospel and reaching people holistically.
What Luther and Calvin are for evangelical Christians globally, Kwame Bediako is for many African evangelicals. From his ...
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.
Federal appeals courts are starting to wrestle with how nondiscrimination laws apply to religious organizations when it comes ...
The TV series had to wait months to go up online due to a legal dispute with its former partners Angel Studios over content ...
God never wastes a hurt. He is using my past to brighten others’ futures. I pray that God will continue to use my words to ...
Eugene Freedman certainly saw their potential. The CEO of a giftware company called Enesco Imports, he saw Butcher’s drawings ...
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.