John Kirby, White House National Security Communications Advisor, has stated that the participation of US Vice President ...
The Swiss army began providing security on Monday, 3 June for the upcoming Global Peace Summit in Switzerland at the ...
Russia has been forcibly sending men who refused to fight in Ukraine to the front instead of prosecuting them for refusing to ...
The Swiss Council of States (the upper house of parliament) has expectedly rejected a proposal to provide 5 billion Swiss ...
The North Atlantic Alliance is creating multiple "land corridors" through which American military and armoured vehicles can be transferred closer to the front line in the event of a large-scale ground ...
The Ukrainian government has adopted a draft bill On the Ratification of Framework Agreement between the Ukrainian Government and the Government of the Republic of Korea on the Loans from the Economic ...
The head of the Norwegian Armed Forces, General Eirik Kristoffersen, believes that the North Atlantic Alliance’s window of ...
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said Ukraine has so far received confirmation from 106 countries of their attendance at the ...
Yaroslava Mahuchikh, a Ukrainian athlete, has won gold at a stage of the Diamond League in Stockholm.
Saudi Arabia will not participate in the Global Peace Summit focused on Ukraine, on 15-16 June in Switzerland.
Former US President Donald Trump, during a meeting with his campaign donors, has said that he would have bombed Moscow and ...
The Group of Seven countries and the European Union are looking into methods to put more pressure on banks that assist Russia ...