This note discusses the most relevant aspects that have allowed the commercial release of Fenaltec 22 in Colombia, which may ...
The ornamental kale, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea var. acephala, stands out as an attractive plant admired for ...
Jute is classified as a bast fibre crop which is one of the most important natural fibre crops. Jute fibre is both economical and environmentally friendly and it can be utilized for minimizing the use ...
A Cellulase enzyme is the enzyme synthesized by some bacterial and fungal species and breaks down the ß-1,4 glycoside bonds of cellulose. Cellulase enzyme has a wide range of uses such as food, paper, ...
The northeastern region of Brazil concentrates 9% of the total recorded roadkill in the country ( CBEE 2019 ). In Brazil, birds represent a significant proportion of vertebrates killed by vehicles, ...