Impacting range and performance, antenna selection, and placement are key design considerations for Internet of Things (IoT) ...
GME’s new personal locator beacon is lightweight and inexpensive - but the reassurance it provides is priceless. Here’s hat ...
I've been testing the new Amazfit Helio Ring for about a week — read my first impressions — and wanted to see how well it ...
Car key hacking, also known as key cloning, is a way for car thieves to bypass your vehicle’s security measures and it’s a ...
THIS HAS BEEN A LONG 12 YEAR BATTLE TO PROHIBIT DRIVERS FROM USING HANDHELD DEVICES WHILE OPERATING A VEHICLE ... But this measure would take it a step further and make it so that any hand-held device ...
Heatwaves: Excessive heat can take a toll on smartphones, too, but there are ways to keep the phone cool even when used ...
Father’s Day is the perfect occasion to celebrate the tech-savvy dad who is always on the move and loves staying connected ...
Falling ahead of harvesting season, Agricar will be responsible for the distributorship of the HarvestEye 2.0 and HarvestEye Handheld systems ... during pre-harvest test digs through the tablet device ...
Be sure to have a handheld GPS and a personal locator beacon or satellite communication device along in case of an emergency ...
HarvestEye teams with Agricar to distribute crop insights tools in Scotland, providing accurate, cost-effective measurements for potatoes and onions.
Hands-on thoughts: available to order now, it looks like a great alternative to the Apple Watch. As my 11-year-old son threw ...
When Alfie and Owen won Race Across the World last night I confess that I, a grown man who once reported from war zones, ...