Growing up in London, one of Slash’s earliest musical memories was listening to his grandmother’s B.B. King records.
This list might seem a bit crazy to the casual Bob Dylan fan. After all, why would we celebrate a guy often regarded as the ...
The Starry Starry Night Gala benefits the Jimi Hendrix Foundation’s Music for Life Program and University of California San Diego’s Cancer Research Program. Music therapy supports children with autism ...
True Crime and Crime Fiction have become such reading favorites all around the world that it’s not surprising to find ...
She was for equal opportunity and justice for all. Her favorite quote was by Jimi Hendrix, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Diane worked for many years ...
Ted often spoke of how blessed he felt to have attended concerts featuring seminal musicians like Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Laura Nyro and many others. In Santa Cruz, where Ted lived for many years, he ...
The Standard on MSN14h
Zahara's estate targeted by Sars
Many of us thought that Afro-pop sensation, Zahara who died last year, aged 36, left a multi-million rand estate behind from which her family would benefit. But the news coming from South Africa has ...
The folk-rock pioneers’ 80s resurgence was no less unlikely than their earlier years, as they meandered towards success and ...
All I remember is it was fun because Eric, like myself, likes to cover a lot of ground. So he was playing songs by, of course ...
By the 60s, musicians like Jimi Hendrix helped increase Deià’s global profile, and it has only skyrocketed since then. One ...
“There’s also a couple of Jimi Hendrix bangers and ‘All Along the Watchtower’, as they drive off in the Jag, followed by ‘While My Guitar Gently Weeps’ by The Beatles. That era of music is my ...
Dearly beloved/We are gathered here today/To get through this thing called life/Electric word life/It means forever and ...